Wednesday, March 22, 2006
Hey back home earlier for the 2nd time this week,
i had to report sick because of my
On Monday the begining of term 2, where i plan to
Begin with JOY I felt a Flu bug on the way, but i didn't really cares about it and I even went to KFC for lunch.

And the next day at school, I felt it, the irritating itch up my nose, and a slimy substance flows down from your gross...and I could not take the tickling sensation and had could go home, and my teacher wrote me down as 'Nathanael who went to malaysia, came back with Flu', what does malaysia have to do with me going home, man! whats with that teacher.
Anyway I got an M.C. the next day, but I felt much better.
And today I went to school cheerfully not feeling tired at all. And when I stepped into the Student Council room, the 1st comment i got wasn't 'how are you feelng nat' but was 'eh nat, you 'pon' school ah?'. What is with me and 'ponning' school, do i look like that kind of boy who does such acts of desprately not wanting to go to school?!!.
Anyway, during the first 5 periods, my nose kept leaking, and I no choice to buy tissue papper which cost,
30CENTS, so eXpensive.
And after recess I decided to go home to get some rest. And now I am getting some rest.
walking the path of the few. blogged at 8:37 PM
Friday, March 17, 2006
Hey Guys We’re Back!
Family Camp in Sofitel Palm Resort was fun,
and I sure learnt a lot,
On the 1st day (12th march),
We had the orientation for camp; there were Groups like Peter (Red), Paul (Yellow), James (Blue) and the group which I am in, John (Green). And during the orientation there was singing and games, games like, who has the, ‘biggest’, ‘widest’, ‘thickest’ and the ‘smallest’.
After which we had the collection of keys for our room, my room was 207 and it was pretty near the ballroom where we would worship, I am so thankful for that, good thing not like Charles and Josh, room 351, so far away.
And on the 2nd day (13th March),
during the morning devotion, we learnt about having deeper faith and how the Lord gives us strength and lightens our heavy laden load or Yoke.
And during the siesta, I played a game of pool and swam for 2hours, and then going for the afternoon session, and my board shorts was really wet. And during all the afternoon sessions we will have a Q&A session and occasionally we would have some snacks, like chips and cakes.
And during the night session we learnt about
‘Significance of the Bible Record’.
And on the next day (14th and 15th March),
We learnt about realizing our Great potential and a relationship with a Disciple and a Teacher, and the attitude of a Disciple. And who are our ‘Human teachers’, like pastors and Sunday School Teachers. And my Vespers leader, teacher Chung Han said ‘If you have someone to look up to or follow after, you will be that someone one day, but if you have nobody to follow after, you will be a NOBODY too’.
And Pastor preached about ‘Suffering for Our Faith’ and ‘The Perfecting of God’s Love’.
And there was a
Poolside Special Programme, later is the evening.
1st there was dinner, with all ranges of food, and then it was followed by a performances by all the different groups and one from the new comers.
After the whole event, nigel rach and i went to play a game of pool, where i trashed them flat.
And on Thursday (16th March),
This time for the morning devotion we had a serious topic on ‘Sin’, and being too comfortable with sin till we don’t feel anything. And by conquering sin we have to have these 5 Rs.
*Real Faith
*Regard as a Disciple
*Remain in the Word
*Realize the Truth
*Release from Sin
And the was long topic on ‘Laziness’, and it very wise not to be lazy, but Camille confused all of us by saying, ‘if you are not lazy you will be wise’. But the Bible says many descriptions on a lazy man, in Proverbs. And how laziness is killing yourself and it is suicide.
And everyone has a plan installed for them by God. And by serving and doing the will of God, we can fulfill the plan. And by fulfilling that plan we have to sacrifice a lot in our daily life, and denying oneself.
And there is a difference between a Disciple and an Apostle, it’s like a Student Pastor and a Pastor.
And for Consecration Night, it was on Personal Comprehension of Faith and Ministry. And the Youth Choir members who went sang ‘Lord, whatever you ask’.
And on the last day of camp (17th March),
We had a camp closing programme, the chair persons were Uncle Jacob and George, they were pretty entertaining. And then there was a time for people to share their testimonies, there where 14 people who came up. And as a closing song we sang, ‘Give thanks’.
And do you know which team won for Family Camp 2006?
Well John(Green) my group again.And then we were given time to go pack our bags and check out. And to my horror, Rach and Camille had so many heavy bags to carry, which of course 2 short girls can’t do it, what are in those bags, I wonder? Well now we are all back in Singapore. Hope you didn’t miss us:p later time to upload...
walking the path of the few. blogged at 11:48 PM
Tuesday, March 07, 2006
I have not been blogging for the past 3 weeks now,
lets start by saying that this 3 weeks has been a
Busy one, with all the work and things to plan for,
like the recent Student Council Family Day.
But now as I look forward to the church camp, up in JB,malaysia.
This years theme is 'Follow Me' and I bet we have to memorise
Psalm 100
1 Make a joyful shout to the LORD,
all you lands!
2 Serve the LORD with gladness;
Come before His presence with singing.
3 Know that the LORD, He is God;
It is He who has made us,
and not we ourselves;
We are His people
and the sheep of His pasture.
4 Enter into His gates with thanksgiving,
And into His courts with praise.
Be thankful to Him, and bless His name.
5 For the LORD is good;
His mercy is everlasting,
And His truth endures to all generationsAnd I will be bucking with nigel for the whole of next week,
it may be a big challenge, but I have no choice.
And I am looking forward to know who will be my vespers leader.
As I type this, Josh Lee and I are plannig on what snacks to bring,
Don't try to 'cope' from us, well I am in John(green group).
And on 15th March '06, on that Wednesday night we are encouraged to
daring colours, and line dance.
But as this week comes and goes, I will be nearer to my N-level exams.
Teachers are adding preasure, classmates are not yet awake and I
am suffering with the on coming desisions to make.
And tomorrow as I pack for Camp, I hope not to forget anything, and if
anyone from teacher Chee Keen's class read this, please tell him I am in Malaysia,
because my dad has to be there earlier to settle some stuff. I don't wish for
Tr. CK to come after me.
Well can't wait for Friday,we are going to practice for the easter concert.
So enjoy you last week of school, but for those who still have school next week
like allister and matt, I'm sorry. But to cheer you up, remember we people up in Malaysia will be having
Lots of fun.
walking the path of the few. blogged at 10:50 PM